Digital Leadership Lessons From Bleddyn Williams -
A Dose of Clarity About Fast Time-To-Market in Ecommerce
As an avid cycling enthusiast, Bleddyn Williams, Head of Engineering - Digital at Sainsburys knows a lot about going fast. He shares his insights on the areas digital leaders should focus on if they want to achieve speed in ecommerce digital experiences.
A Dose of Clarity About Fast Time-To-Market in Ecommerce
As an avid cycling enthusiast, Bleddyn Williams, Head of Engineering - Digital at Sainsburys knows a lot about going fast. He shares his insights on the areas digital leaders should focus on if they want to achieve speed in ecommerce digital experiences.
0:00 - Intro
0:36 - A Leadership Role In Digital
1:35 - DX For The Customer
2:24 - Lessons Learned From The Past
4:00 - How Cycling Relates to Business
5:07 - Creating Partnerships
6:24 - Creating Alignment
8:19 - Build vs Buy